Creativity is not an inherent characteristic, and almost all people can develop it in themselves with effort and practice.
Considering the benefits we have from being innovative and creative, you have probably realized that at some point of the human history, creativity was more important than finding out how to make bread for humans!
So, let’s look at the ways of cultivating creativity.
1. Studying
Studying and educating yourself is the first step to increase your creativity:
If we want to be creative in an area of subject, we must study it a lot and dive deep in all the related areas of that subject and keep ourselves updated about all the things that can help us in that subject. We should learn and know what others have raised in this field and what results have others gained relating to it, or what new ideas have been proposed in the field and also we should know what questions have not been answered yet. Continuously being updated and learning about the latest information is also very important. Because the more you become a professional in a field, the more you will be able to come up with ideas and find solutions or suitable answers.
Sometimes, obtaining information in other fields, both related and unrelated, can be useful for increasing creativity. For example, when we look at the discovery of different treatments for cancer, we realize that discoveries and researches in the fields of chemistry and textiles led to the discovery of cancer treatment methods. Those who discovered radiation therapy or chemotherapy by studying other fields were able to realize the connection between these substances and cancer treatment. Therefore, in addition to studying and learning in the desired branch, one should not neglect the study of other sciences because sometimes the results obtained from two unrelated branches are combined and create creative ideas.
When we read enough about the right subjects that give us more information than the little information we get by reading in the social media platforms, or when we go beyond our limits and talk to experts in any field, and in general when we have enough input, new ideas appear. Of course, reading is not the only way to expand our knowledge and be updated about the information, and sometimes it can be the use of audio or visual resources. Like listening to different podcasts or watching educational videos. In general, the main goal should be to use any type of source to increase information.
2. The Questioning Mind Leads Us To Creative Ideas And Creativity:
If we always accept everything as they are, we will never seek to discover creative ideas or new results. So the second step is to allow yourself to ask questions and look for answers. In order to increase creativity and come up with creative ideas, one should constantly look for appropriate questions and sometimes question the answers that have already been given. Presenting new ideas always begins with a question. For example, the creation of some of the most successful startups and even applications was based on the question “What is the solution”
3. Do Not Be Afraid Of Creating Inappropriate Ideas:
Sometimes we need to write ten pages of text to create a beautiful sentence. Pablo Picasso was for sure creative as one of the most famous painters that we know, but he painted a lot, until becoming famous. That is, in the way of becoming creative, it is necessary not to be afraid of imperfection, and presenting not very interesting ideas. It is good to know that usually the first ideas will not be successful and it is ok if all of our ideas and works are not successful. When we want to be creative, we just need to be determined and not stop trying to achieve results. In addition, sometimes the combination of inappropriate ideas leads to the creation of suitable ideas, and sometimes creativity is just like the brainstorming, where putting out every idea until a good and suitable idea comes out! So, presenting both the appropriate and the inappropriate ideas is an obvious principle in the way of increasing creativity.
4. To Love Our Failures:
Failure in any way acts as a weakening of hope for most of us, but it is necessary to achieve success. Walt Disney, a man with so many great ideas, was fired from his job because he was not creative enough! I will not continue explaining, because you already got the idea! (I hope you Do know about the amazing and creative Walt Disney! Please read about him if you don’t know his success story.)
5. Doing What We Love:
While having a job that you enjoy doing is very beneficial, It is also necessary to maintain balance in life, so that your creativity does not suffer. Doing your favorite activities while working increases creativity too.
Love and creativity are intertwined. Hobbies such as playing an instrument, running or even taking care of pets can help us relax and are useful for fighting stress and anxiety, at the same time, by helping us to have a stress-free mind they help to strengthen the creativity. (Read this article about resting usefully)
6. Walking Activates Creativity:
Each person sits between 7 and 15 hours on average. This is terrible for the health of the body and mind. A Stanford research shows that walking improves creative thinking. Many business leaders and great entrepreneurs have regular walking time in their schedules and some of them even have meetings with a person while having a walk. So, by adding walking to our daily schedule, we are also taking a step towards increasing creativity.
7. Using The Advice And Feedback Of Others:
Sometimes we are so closed up in a problem that we cannot find a creative solution for it. Asking for help is not a sign of weakness and getting help from friends, family, peers, and experts in the desired field is very helpful, because each person has a unique set of skills, experiences and knowledge, that we may not have, and they can add value to us by sharing their own view with us.
Also, sometimes an outside perspective is actually what we need in creativity. Even if we don’t use that point of view directly, it can give us a new idea that will take us to where we need to go in our creativity.
8. To Increase Creativity, Unplug Yourself Sometimes!
Alan Cohen says “There is virtue in work and there is virtue in rest. Use both and overlook neither.” Sometimes the right idea comes when the brain is resting. Great ideas may come to us when we are sleeping or not thinking about anything in the shower! Perhaps sometimes a creative idea will be created while we are driving, exercising, walking, shopping, watching the sunset and so on, doing anything, but, pressuring our mind to find answers, solutions or being creative!
A proper rest at night is also very important. So when you feel that your creativity has dropped, unplug yourself, give your brain a break and let the mind do its magic.
9. Attention To Moods:
In this section, we will talk about this issue and discuss the effect of moods on insight and as a result, creativity.
Some brain studies showed that the Anterior Cingulate Cortex (ACC) part of the brain which is a part of the brain can discover non-obvious ideas that are less related to the subject. Ideas that do not come to mind in a normal state and creative ideas are discovered from these types of ideas with the activation of the ACC part of the brain which is related to creative thinking which we call “The Aha Moment” when we suddenly find an answer.
So, to help the process of increasing creativity, we must pay attention to the first factor in this cycle, that is ‘good mood.’
While a good mood increases creativity, a bad mood strengthens analytical thinking. That is, the brain limits itself to the existing tested cases and does not seek to discover new ways.
When we feel good, we feel more secure and relaxed and give ACC more time to focus on creative ideas. A bad mood not only weakens the ACC but also reduces our tendency to think about new ideas.
Characteristics of creative people are not always the same, but if you ask from the people who know a creative person they might be able to point out a few of their obvious characteristics.
Characteristics Of Creative People:
Here are some of the characteristics of creative people, and the effeteness of these characteristics on creative thinking
1. Curious:
Creative people enjoy learning new things, so their free time may include reading books or watching movies about topics that interest them. They often consider understanding the concepts they are not familiar with as a kind of task, exciting and satisfying. Creative people may seek opportunities to learn new skills to improve their performance.
Creative people show their curiosity by posing various questions. For example, a creative person may try to create innovative ideas for the product by asking the question “why”. They may ask, “Why not sell a product that does this?” If someone tells them about something being impossible, you will probably hear this answers from them “Why” and “Why not?” In general, the purpose of expressing these questions on the part of creative people is to create a discussion about an idea and the possibility of testing.
2. Willing To Play:
Creative people are willing to play with different ideas until they find the right one. The do not stick at one idea and one place, A sense of playfulness which allows them to have fun with the process, and not taking things too seriously is there for them. As a result, they do not insist on succeeding the first time. For example, when designing a logo, a graphic designer may change different colors and fonts several times and constantly implement different ideas to achieve the desired result.
3. An Open Mind:
An open-minded person is really open to newness and keeps their interest in hearing new instead and learning new ways. When collaborating with others, creative people want to hear all the possibilities and explore them further. For this reason, they do not judge the opinions or views of others, instead they listen to the reasons of others so that they can understand them better, or sometimes include their opinions in their suggestions as well.
Creative people are also receptive to new experiences, so they enjoy trying different ways to do tasks. Trying new things can often add excitement to their daily routine. This excitement is even as simple as taking a different route to get to work. If they receive the task of doing a project, they prefer to work with new methods instead of working with their usual ways
4. Flexible:
Creative people have high flexibility and this feature supports their desire to test new ideas and experiences. Flexible people are more adaptable to changes. Flexibility also allows people to have the ability to change their minds about ideas more easily, which makes them more willing to admit their mistakes. Because they consider accepting mistakes as an opportunity to learn new things and grow.
5. Independent:
Freelancing allows creative people to embrace their personal freedom. They can make decisions about how to do things without orders or requests from others. Creative people do not feel afraid of facing challenges due to their independent personality. In many cases, they consider these challenges as an opportunity to grow and develop their skills.
6. Risk-Taking, A Requirement For Creativity:
Creative people accept the risks associated with implementing new ideas. According to them, until an idea is tested, it cannot be determined whether it is good or bad; So all ideas have the potential to be tested. Creative people consider not taking risks as an obstacle to innovation because it limits them in a safe range.
Creative people think about “reward” to increase risk tolerance. While customers may hate a product, there is also the possibility that that product will become the best selling product of the year.
7. Intuitive:
An intuitive person makes decisions based on feelings. Creative people use this ability more. They trust themselves and follow their heart and don’t like to be limited by logical demands. Some people combine intuitive understanding with logical reasoning. For example, they may use intuition to create an idea and logical reasoning to implement it.
8. Ambitious:
Creative people know that a great solution does not come easily, and to get great ideas, you have to work hard. When they are interested in something, they define their goals and commit themselves to achieve these goals. Along with the flexibility they have, they plan to achieve their goals and regularly set aside time for it every day.
9. Patience Is A Necessary Principle In The Path Of Creativity:
Creative people are passionate about what they do. At the same time, they strive to achieve the best result, they have patience in the way of achieving their goals and they know that great results cannot be achieved quickly.
10. Full Of Energy:
Creative people are often full of energy and spend a lot of energy to do things because they use passion as a spice to do things. When they set a goal for themselves, they put all their time, energy and focus on it. They transfer this energy and enthusiasm to others and their team members and have a positive effect on others.
Well… let’s be real, as you and I both know, the path to achieving creative thinking is a very long path and requires a lot of patience and effort. Studying and learning in this way is a basic principle, because it allows the mind to discover creative ideas in a wider range of knowledge.
If I want to share my personal experience with you, I will say that I have added new courses to my learning list. I attend events and even listen to new podcast in my daily schedule to help me with my own creativity. The new things that I learn and the information that I receive from the podcasts has given me some interesting updates and they have become a rich source of knowledge to my mind and helped me with my creative thinking for sure.
Traveling and trying new things will give you the change and the challenges that will help you be be more creative too as they can help you with getting out of your comfort-zone.
I defined all these things, to say that if you are interested in learning a new thing, or you feel creative about something, just go ahead and do it without thinking too much and calculating your abilities over and over again, or calculating too much about it being useful in the future or not!
Be sure that by being creative, you will grow much more than by limiting your self!
As creativity will help you to get out of your mind’s safe zone and start trying. One day you will use what you have learned to generate new creative ideas and you won’t even think much about it…
So go ahead, be creative and try new horizons of life!