The Question Is, ‘How To Develop A Growth Mindset?’
Before answering this question, I want to inform you about a statistic that will probably surprise you, and show you the importance of having a ‘Growth Mindset’ at the beginning of this article:
A study showed that about 98% of successful people in the world, have become successful, because they changed their own attitude and mentality. In other words, they have won by having a growth mindset and moving towards their goals.
Growth mindset means that your mind is always changing and you can learn anything by practicing (except natural talent). And a ‘Fixed Mentality’ in the other hand, is exactly the opposite of having a growth mentality and mindset!
As almost 70% of people who do not progress or do not achieve their desires at all, have a similar problem…. Almost all of them have an anti-growth (fixed) mentality, and this attitude alone causes them to regress and give up their goals in most cases.
In this article, I tried to look at the ‘growth mindset’ and the ‘fixed mindset’, to come up with some solutions for changing a ‘fixed’ mindset to the ‘growth’ mindset.
(I really think developing and using a growth mindset will help you achieve great success in your life!)
Growth Mindset:
Let us start with Mentality.
What is ‘mentality’ or ‘way of thinking’?
Mentality or way of thinking, is the attitude of a person towards life… And the attitude of us humans, is the result of our opinions and beliefs.
We humans evolve and grow by time, and for most of us, our mentality is changing as we grow and become older as individuals. We become wiser and more aware about life as we get more awareness as we get more experience and knowledge in life. And because we are becoming wiser as we age, our beliefs change throughout our lives, by these experiences too. Many researches have proven the fact that it is our mentality, which is the creator of the results that we get in our life and the way we see our achievements.
But, you may ask: “How does this happen?” and “Why our mentality and mindset is so important?”
To answer to these questions, we need to compare the two types of mentalities that we mentioned above as the ‘fixed’ mindset’ and the ‘growth’ mindset. And for comparing these two types of mentalities, let us consider two people that are only different in their mentality and attitude towards their life:
The first person’s mentality is a ‘fixed mentality’:
Based on their own experiences, life failures or their environment, they doubt their abilities, they even stop themselves from many experiences unconsciously.
In their mind being a failure has been echoed too many times, the mentality has shaped to not being able to do anything good right! “unable” or “not good enough” is what comes to their mind for most of the things.
Because they will think that they will be failing, or not being good enough when they try something.
And in many cases they think if they succeeded somewhere in their life, it was because of consequences or luck. they may face the imposter syndrome* and tell themselves that I can never achieve my dreams because I feel that I do not have what it takes to reach my dreams. They feel lost or unworthy at times and they think that they are not good enough.
They will come to questioning their own abilities, gifts and talents and be uncertain about their decisions, or they find it difficult to be satisfied with who they are and their place in life. As the fixed mindset does not allow them to see their own self worth and makes it seem less to them than it actually is.
*(I have been there too)
Let’s call the other person the person with the ‘growth mindset’:
The growth mindset works like an optimistic friend or partner, who encourages you to do more, better and makes you see your abilities, gifts and talents in a persuasive way that you actually come to the understanding that you are able to achieve your big goals and dreams.
This mentality will allow you to start even if you are unsure about the results. The mentality does not blind the person or give them a false hope, it just tells them to give it their all, even if they may not success every time, but they will still be on the road, they will learn, grow and try again for success from finding another way.
Their mind will tell them that in any situation trying to improve is all that matters and even if they are not perfect or good at a certain parts of life, they are still humans with the ability to develop. The growth mindset has practiced to be present in hardships, it has been there in failures too, but it has been given the positive energy with having hope.
I think now, we can imagine what the results of each of these two different mindsets will be in real life, and see that the difference in mentality, is all because of the difference between the ‘growth mindset’ and ‘fixed mindset’.
As we considered the attitude of those two mentalities in extremely different ways. The first example had a fixed and pessimistic mentality, and the second person had a growth and optimistic mindset. But you have to keep in mind that our mentalities, our ways that we look at the world can change. We are humans and we do have feelings, experiences and limited knowledge. And for some of us, we may be shifting between being optimistic and pessimistic depending on our knowledge, experiences and look at the world based on what we know about life, only up to -that- point of our life, as we all only live once in this lifetime.
So we have to keep in mind, that we always can learn and grow, and in many cases, it only takes a -decision- or a -life experience- for some of us to shift our perspectives and totally change our mindset.
It is very important to put some space for positive changes and learning, when in comes to the reality of life as human beings.**
So, if we look back at out example, we can see that, when a person has a growth mindset, they let their brain accept the -changes- more easily and and faces the life challenges as -part of their life-.
The growth mindset knows that by practicing, it can learn and do anything well, and if it was not a perfect outcome, then, it has become a -useful experience- for them.
In the other hand, for the person who has a fixed mentality, the mentality not only does not progress with change, but most likely regresses when it comes to the challenges in life.
But, we have to be careful not to loose the -sense of mind- where it comes to think about situations and challenges in life, in order to have a growth mindset!
Having a clever look at things in life, is always important, and we do need to face things in life depending on their situation and our logical thinking and senses…
But, in normal times, it is the ‘growth mindset’ that helps us look at things from different points of view! And it is the growth mindset that can help us learn, grow and think bigger, and even get to better points in life!
Overall, I think by this point you have realized how important our attitude and mindset towards life is.
As creating a growth mindset is important in life because you are looking for great results and it allows you to allow yourself to fail, learn and grow!
And I also think If you did not value your growth, or if you did not look for personal development, you would not be here and reading this article. (Thanks for being here) 🙂
Developing a growth mindset is possible for all of us, and if you have dreams, goals and future hope, it is important for you to have a growth mindset to succeed in these things.
Just like a tree with it’s roots deep in the ground, which helps its existence and strength, your mentality and attitude will act like your root, for being strong in life! You will have great results and achievements, by having a strong ‘growth mindset’ rooted in your mentality. So, think about giving and strengthening your mindset’s roots, by embracing the ‘growth mindset’ and practicing it.
But what if you are here, because you feel that -maybe-, this is your ‘fixed mentality’ that prevents your progress?
First of all, let me tell you that you are stronger than you believe!
Because you are bravely taking steps toward becoming better. You are here! Reading this article, and it means that you are already asking for better solutions.
This means that you are already way ahead of the people that their fixed mentality does not allow them to even consider thinking about change in their attitude or mentality…
So, just start the change!(Read this article if you want to change you life.)
Taking Action To Developing A Growth Mindset:
What is the main way to change ‘fixed mentality’ to ‘growth mentality’?
A little further in the article, I am going to give you ten ways to develop a growth mindset. But I felt it is necessary to write about something before telling the secondary solutions!
Here, I will introduce you to a main and very effective way:
Taking Control by repeating thoughts and affirmations related to growth mindset!
Your current mindset is the result of repeating certain sentences and thoughts.
So, in order to reach the mentality of growing and nurturing it every day, you need to repeat the things that you actually want-to-believe to yourself, and your mind will take shape based on the things you feed it.
Repeating constructive thoughts, writing and reading sentences related to growth mindset and striving for progress, all should become part of your daily routine!
So, don’t forget that the key to developing a growth mindset is to repeat the sentences and beliefs related to it.
Now let us concentrate on the best strategies that we need, for cultivating a growth mindset:
10 Ways To Develop A Growth Mindset:
1. Accept your failures and learn from them
People who have a fixed mentality are very afraid of failure. This fear of their failure makes them either not act at all, or abandon their path after the first failure.
On the other hand, people who have a growth mindset, do not have a problem with failure. They allow the possibility of failure to be part of their mentality, but they don’t think about it. If they face failure in their path, they try to learn from it. They never consider themselves as losers! Rather, they look at failures with the eyes that look for gaining experiences and learning.
It is not really supposed to make us feel we are at a dead-end, if we fail! Look at your past… I am sure you have had several small and big failures in your life! Despite those failures, you can continue your life now. This is the best example that you can use to deal with this fear.
2. Get out of your safe zone!
The human brain absolutely wants to stay in the comfort zone. The human brain is programmed this way, so that we do not step beyond our safe zone when we are in danger. This zone, may be pleasant for the brain, but it is not good for us.
People who have a fixed mindset stay in their safe zone as much as they possibly can! Now, do you think that someone who does not take any steps to reach new experiences, can really progress in life?
A person who is on the path of developing a growth mindset, not only leaves their comfort zone, but also encourages others to do so. Certainly, this person will fail more than a person with a fixed mindset. Instead, it will help them achieve many times more than others. And what is better than amazing results?
3. Do not set a ceiling or limit for your abilities
Think about yourself without limits!
Don’t tell yourself that I don’t have the talent to do something, or that “I’m not made for this…”
The truth is that you have many different talents and your talents change over time. Another truth, is that you can be elite in anything, if you practice it a lot.
A lot of practice in anything makes you a genius. As we all know “practice Makes Perfect!”
Shall I give you some examples?
Cristiano Ronaldo, football genius! He played football since he was only eight years old.
Julia Carolyn Child, a culinary genius! She started cooking at the age of 36.
Both of these people have started doing what they liked and practiced it repeatedly to perfection. This work has made them a genius in their fields, and I hope you do not think that it was too easy or they have never failed!
Because just having talent in something is not enough. Trying hard and not giving up is also important.
4. Accept challenges with open arms
It may be hard to believe, but people with a growth mindset love challenging their dreams. They do not consider the challenge to be ground-breaking! Rather, they consider a challenge, as an opportunity for their growth.
Changing your attitude towards challenges is very effective.
From now on, to cultivate a growth mindset, try to face challenges in a different way. Do not run away from them when they appear! Just be prepared and be sure that when you face a challenge, and you handle it in the right way, your self-confidence goes up a lot when you come out of it in the other side.
And when you overcome a challenge once, it will be easier for you to face the next challenge, as life is not always as easy and smooth path and facing challenges is for sure, a part of our life.
5. Focus on the process, not the result!
Many people make a big mistake on the way to achieving their goals. It is that they focus only on the result.
Perfectionists also have this problem. Perfectionism is a problem that, if not solved, has many consequences. Maybe you don’t know that you are a perfectionist at this point but you find about it later in life. And when you become aware of it, you can learn to face it accordingly.
For example, you may have studied very well for an exam, but for some reason you could not get a good grade. People with a fixed mindset and perfectionism, stop here. They think that because they did not get the best results, then this path is wrong for them. That’s why they don’t try, or change their paths so many times by this mistake.
For this example, let me give you a personal experience: Some time ago, I was talking with one of the students at a business course. Her problem was that she kept jumping from one branch to another in her business. When I talked to her a little more, I realized that her behavior was due to lack of support and perfectionism. When she tried to control only her perfectionism, thigs did change for her! And later, when we spoke again, she told me that she got great results in her work, as she allowed herself to look at things without the stress of failing, or the fear of getting judged by others if she failed, or did not succeed at every attempt!
People who have a growth mindset focus on their growth process. Even if they don’t get results right away, they don’t stop trying. By reviewing and modifying their ways to achieve their goals or their life plan, even if they pause for some reasons, they will continue on their path again. That is why they reach results earlier than others! They just allow themselves to be a -whole human- and not an image of a successful never-failing, image of a perfect being!
So, if you did read my article about failure, you will know that you don’t need to give up after facing failure. Instead of being in a bad mood for a long time, try to correct your behavior, create a growth mentality. And after that, continue on the path again. Be sure to get great results.
6. Accept your strengths and weaknesses
Accepting strengths and weaknesses does not mean saying to yourself: “I am who I am, and there is nothing I can do…” No! I want to talk about acceptance of weaknesses and acceptance of strengths separately.
Accepting your strengths means discovering them first. Finding your strengths is not difficult. By taking a superficial look at your past and asking the people around you, you can find out your strengths.
Now that you know what your strengths are, you should use them in the right direction. For example, you may have a high speaking ability. As someone who is talented in this work, it is good to use it properly. For example, you can easily earn money from this talent.
People with a growth mindset measure their strengths first. Then they use each of them in a way for their growth progress. This makes them achieve results in a shorter period of time than many other people.
Accepting weaknesses means that you admit that you are not doing well in some cases… For example, you may be a good athlete, but your calculations could be not as strong. And, What’s wrong with it?
People who have a fixed mindset are looking to improve all of their weaknesses anyway. This is very wrong! If you want to be good at everything, you will never succeed like the elites…
Those who are successful and have a growth mindset, do not value their weaknesses. But instead of putting a lot of energy into improving -all- of their weaknesses, they find balance, improve their self as a whole and find balance in their strengths.
7. People with a growth mindset are purposeful
Having a meaningful goal is one of the main characteristics of people with a growth mindset.
These people know well how to aim well in life. Also, after determining their definite goals, they try to have a basic planning for them.
To cultivate your growth mindset, you need to consider an attainable goal for yourself. Then act to reach it. Doing this will not only get you out of a fixed mindset, but also give meaning to your life.
Try to start with just one goal in mind. If you want to pursue several goals at the same time, you will not achieve any of them easily. When you reach your desired goal, it will be easier for you to set and reach the next goal.
8. Stop seeking social approval
Most of us humans, like to get approval from others. In childhood, our brain needed confirmation for its survival, but at older ages, getting confirmation is not a vital issue. However, people with a fixed mindset seek social approval every day especially now that the social media is becoming a huge part of our life, people want others to approve their work. They feel by being approved by others, they are valued, seen and appreciated.
This constant effort to get social approval, causes failure to progress in reality. You no longer need anyone’s stamp of approval for every aspect of your life! The only person whose satisfaction is important to you, is -you-!
So think about what you want and what is most important to you in your core. You know yourself and your goals better than anyone. Even if you think a little by yourself, you will realize that social approval is no longer that important.
9. To have a growth mindset, be open to criticism
There may be professional people who criticize you in the path you are taking. For example, let us think that you have taken a step in the path of writing. After publishing your first book, several great writers will review your book. If you are a person with a fixed mentality, you will lose your confidence and withdraw from writing another book because of some reviews!
But when you have a growth mindset, you will be open to criticism, as you know that not everyone will like you in reality. You use the criticisms of those writers to improve your writings, and use those experiences in your next book. And as you progress, you will eventually become a great writer yourself.
So the key point is to be careful not to let criticism crush your self-confidence. You have to practice this so much that you become a critical person!
10. Get rid of destructive habits and replace them with constructive habits
People who have a growth mindset have many useful habits. So, one of the necessary measures to cultivate a growth mindset, is to leave destructive habits and replacing them with constructive ones.
To do this, you must first identify destructive habits. Finding them is not difficult. What destructive behaviors do you think you want to get rid of at this point of your life? For example, it may be annoying for you to use cyber space a lot. So you should quit this habit and learn to manage your online presence.
Now that you are going to use cyberspace less, what do you do instead? For example, you can add learning a new language to your program. That is, every time you want to go online on the social media, you quickly open the language learning application instead and manage your online presence.
This technique is really effective. If you quit a habit without considering an alternative, you will probably fail. So find good alternatives for the habits that you want to change today and take action to build productive habits.
Change Is Not Easy, And For Sure Is Not Comfortable!
Remember, a lot of time has been spent to form the mindset you have today…
That is, if you change your attitude from today! So it is good to be realistic and know that you will not build a ‘growth mindset’ overnight! But you can reach your goal by taking small steps and persevering.
So if you really want to have different results in life, you need to change your attitude today! Go ahead and start today and develop an amazing growth mindset for yourself from today.
(I hope this article could help you to realize the importance of your own attitude towards yourself, your goals and your life.)
**I try to explain this in some of my writings, because I have seen so many people who put themselves or other people in labeled boxes, and give titles and get a never-changing attitude about it… But I want us to remember that most humans are able to change and grow in a good way, and this ability can be used to empower the human mind in a beneficial way, that can help achieving goodness and growth in a positive way…. Sometimes, the cure and the answer to many of the things that we face in life is to choose unconditional kindness and love over everything else, to be able to cure the wounds and disbeliefs, and to give our selves and others the chance, to believe in the abilities of creating goodness, as we are all human beings.