And What Is Dharma?
“Every moment of your life, you perform action – physically, mentally, emotionally, and energy-wise. Each action creates a certain memory. That is karma…” -Sadhguru
Do We Need To Know The Laws Of Karma?
Honestly, I think there is no force to live in a certain way when it comes to our personal lives, as long as we are being good to others and ourselves.
There is not a dictated way of what we should or shouldn’t feel in life, and what we do, or choose, (except the humanity and respecting the human values that we all need to follow in order to have a peaceful life in the society.)
But when it comes to think about the universe, things are not as most of us are used to think like, for the universe, If you Know, it is good that you know! And if you Don’t Know, you will still be included in the rules of the universe and you will learn when you need to learn, for the universe you will be always on time, and you will Know when you need to Know, the version of you that needs to Know will Know! And Knowing comes with deep understanding, acceptance and wisdom that gathers in you.
Knowing the universal laws, will help you get a better view of yourself, life and it helps you think about the future in a way that helps you make your decisions with a more organized mind and a better point of view in your life choices.
As Tejal Patel, an expert in meditation and mindfulness, mentioned: “This is a philosophical concept that tells us how to live, how to create a better version of ourselves, and how to give ourselves a fulfilling life.”
Of course, all this makes sense if we really believe in the existence of such universal laws!
The Rules That The Universe Has Given Us For Karma:
One of the most important things in this article is to be able to be on a clear path to have more serious and thought-out actions, apart from only having mystical views.
If we think about it in a simple way, when we apply Karma to our thoughts and actions, we will consider thinking about the reaction too, so it can help us to be more careful about our actions, thoughts and behavior before making any decision or act in a certain way.
And when we learn to include other perspectives to our lives and think carefully about where we stand in life, we will definitely experience better things in our lives as we become more In-control and more thoughtful, about the ‘whole picture’ of the situation of action, in other words we become more mindful. (Click here to read more about mindfulness.)
To reach such a mindful stage, the generational knowledge of the people from the past has been gifted to us in many forms and ways. As the universe, has provided rules for all of us that are very helpful when it comes to the universal peace, wisdom and life in it’s depth, which will be mentioned in the following:
Karma Has 12 Laws
In most Buddhism and Hindu belief concepts, Karma has 12 laws:
1. The Law of Cause and Effect
The first and most basic law of Karma:
The returning affect or the results of our actions…
According to this law, every thought or energy that you express from yourself will come back to you in similar or another form. Therefore, if you want love, you must love. It does not matter if you do good and choose good either to yourself or to others, it will be shown to you by the universe. For example, if you choose to give genuine love to the world, or if you are a person with un conditional kindness, you -will- receive it back by the universe. This is the first and most important rule of Karma that many of us already know about!
2. The Law of Creation
According to this law, instead of waiting for what you ask, and expecting the things you want to happen to or for you in life, you should provide the right space and conditions for these things to happen to/for you. Someone told me one day: “A step towards your goals from you with the right amount of ambition, will bring you positive blessings from God in return of your action towards what you really want.” and even in other parts of the world similar beliefs has been part of the peoples lives for centuries, for instance, Rumi the legendary, has mentioned in one of his poems “what you seek is seeking you!”
When it comes to asking yourself what you need to let go of, or what you need to change, see, or accept in your life to make room for what you really want, you should consider using what you can really change, accept, learn or even improve the way you think about certain things in your way of life would be beneficial. Maybe your skills, talents and abilities need updates in a way that is useful, or maybe how you look at the meaning of things or react, will not only be good for yourself, but also for the better of other people and beings, maybe a decision of change will go a longer way for you and your life than you expected it would, and when you take control or your actions, thoughts and emotions, you are in control of what you create in your world, you are in control of the creation in a meaningful way and for sure many of us are not used to being the creator and being in control so at first we may not think about it in an optimistic way but as we move beyond the fear, things will start to take the right direction, and we will see the results as the creators of the nicely formed Karma around what we have created.
3. The Law of Humility or The Ability of Being Humble
Paul Harrison, the creator of Daily Meditation, says: “According to the law of humility, you must be humble enough to accept with all your heart that your current life and the events that happen to you, are all the result of your past actions.”
In other words we can call this ACCEPTANCE. And acceptance always works when it comes to moving forward in life, looking for positive changes or finding the right solutions. For example when you accept that you have not performed well enough in some parts of your life or when you look back at some events and come to the understanding and acceptance of the fact that maybe as a human with limited knowledge and experiences in this life you have, done things to yourself or others, that did not benefit you or them in a positive way, you are ready to take a step in the direction of positive changes.
As the acceptance makes you ready to move forward, and be able to see the whole story and prepare you to take action based on what you know and based on what you have learned. This helps you to see better and be more clear about the changes and decisions that you need to take to bring positive changes to your life and your way of living or thinking or acting, in order to make the right effort and take necessary actions to establish better things with your new wisdom and the knowledge and experiences that you have gained,
Acceptance will help you to see clearly, and sometimes will help you to fix some of the damages that appeared in your life. With your new perspective and what you have learned about some of the past or future events and accepting your own part in them, bringing better results comes to your reach.
4. The Law of Growth
The law of growth emphasizes that any change in the outside world starts from within. There is a light within each and everyone of us that by shining from us, gives us the ability to move forward and grow, in other words, You are the only being in the world who can control and dominate most of your life aspects, with your energy, thoughts ,desires and inner light. Therefore, if you can combine all of them and deepen this mastery, you have stepped on the path of growth.
Also, the law of growth emphasizes accepting the things you cannot control. If something is out of your control, accept it and refocus. Put your focus on the direction of acceptance and change your thoughts from the things which you have no control on them to the things which you can control, like taking your attention from the with-out-solution to the things and feelings or plans which you can control.
As an example you can find solutions to get rid of unreasonable expectations from others, and start expecting the results that you need, by accepting your current place and resources and mapping your own steps towards your life expectations.
5. The Law of Liability
The law of responsibility says that you are the product of all the choices you make in your life. Therefore, you should act responsibly towards yourself and not let your life go in a direction that is far from your reality or out of your control. When you put your own self responsible for your life, you will make clear choices and behave in a more controlled manner.
Your life is like your own flower! In the Little Prince book (by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry) Do you remember what the little prince said? “You are responsible for your mistake.”
6. The Law of Connection
The law of connection says that everything in your life is connected, including your past, present, and future.
Everything you have done in the past is showing its results today and everything you do now will show itself in the future. The connection law of life helps us realize how connected the life aspects are to each other, and how all of us are connected to our actions and each other.
7. The Law of Concentration
Always be careful to focus on one thing and not several things. Focusing on several tasks or decisions at the same time makes you unable to perform properly.
“For example, if you focus specifically on peace and love, you will definitely be less affected by irritating or annoying issues, or you will have a more appropriate response to these events.” Tejal Patel
8. The Law of Giving and Being Receptive
This law tells you that if you want to live in a peaceful world, therefore, you must focus on creating peace. Be forgiving and if you want something good, take steps to create or expand that good thing
9. The Law of Here and Now
In order to find peace, you must focus on the present. Thinking too much about the past and your mistakes will make you repeat them again. Instead, focus on the present and the positive behaviors and actions that you want to have.
10. The Law of Change
According to the principle of change, history will repeat itself again and again until you learn. This can be from your experiences and take new and different actions to stop your life cycle. Or learn by accepting, learning your lessons and using your experiences in order to grow.
The Law of Change helps you create a new future and a better version of yourself.
Maybe thinking about subjects like How to change? Solutions for not being afraid to change and learning new ways to approach the challenges and knowing the things and behaviors that we need to change to move forward will be helpful in this stage. (Click here to read the article about change.)
11. The Law of Patience and Reward
The law of patience and reward is clear from its name, what it wants to say is Be patient in your path of change and know that this perseverance and stability will have results and rewards.
The law of patience also can be related in being patient in times when the sky is dark because you believe no matter how dark the night gets, the sun will be shining tomorrow.
12. The Law of Caring and Motivating
This law says that we all suffer from the same pain. We can all make a significant impact in this world. Sometimes a task may seem very insignificant to us, but it has a deep impact on the people around us, and in the moment we are facing its importance is not clear to us.
(In this subject Tejal Patel says that remembering this rule will help you get back on track and step firmly in times when you feel unmotivated and aimless.
You were born with a gift and you are destined to make a great impact in this world. You have to use all your abilities and skills, and get help to learn and grow.)
Well, these were the 12 laws of karma.
What do you think about these laws? Honestly, when I researched these laws, they made me re-think about the depth of life…
The most important thing that these laws taught me was that everything is a reflection of something else and nothing will be without result for the universe.
And, if we choose peace and harmony on this planet, we all shall live in a happier world, as we all are related to each other by the laws of karma…
But maybe while you want to know about Karma, you came across the word Dharma too.
And now you want to know about The difference between Karma and Dharma!
When it comes to talking about the difference between Karma and Dharma, these two, like their names, have an initial difference, but along the way, they become aligned and related at some points in life too.
But as the 12 laws of Karma was explained in this article, we have to know about Dharma too.
What Is Dharma?
In a saying, Dharma refers to ‘The right way of Living‘ or our duties in the society, family, groups and where we have a role as a person.
It explains that in every society, group and family in consideration, there is a -reflection as ‘Dharma’, which is there, according to its conditions, culture and beliefs. And acts in their directions.
In other words, the ‘life duties’ are lifelong, and determine our responsibility in the rest of our lives for a “Truthful” living.
And according to Dharma, all of us have our own unique ‘Dharma’ or ‘truthful meaning of existence’, as a unique universal and eternal role in governing the universe.
In some sayings Dharma has two sides:
- In one hand Dharma can be very hopeful and comforting,
- And in the other hand it can turn life into a battlefield and make it unpleasant.
You may ask why?
The reason is that if you consider your way of thinking and life perspectives to be in harmony with your society, family, beliefs and culture, you can easily follow the duties and traditions and not experience any challenges or setbacks in your life path, you will be peaceful and truthful, and because of this, you can live a peaceful and balanced life among others in the society. And be in real harmony with others, who also follow this universal rule and create a peaceful social life.
You shall not break the ‘good vibes’ respecting the peace and harmony of the universe!
Because it is enough to feel dis-harmony in one of these parts, or to come to the conclusion that you should look for your life and duties somewhere else than where you are at your path.
So if you become ‘dishonest’, then the harmony and peaceful energy is no longer in it’s stable manner. And this is where the challenges begin, and the path ahead of you will be difficult as a result.
Of course, this is not a problem as long as we do not harm anyone and learn from it as we proceed in life.
The only point here, is that you have to be more patient and persevere in this path and focus all your attention on finding your main Dharma in life.
The point is to know Dharma by studying it, and relating it to your own society and beliefs. And act in peace with ‘yourself’ as well as living a peaceful and respectful life with ‘others’ and playing a positive and meaningful role in both of these areas.
Also, you should be aware that the struggles you face, are life lessons and the experiences are parts of your life as a human being.
All of us learn in the progress and move forward in life based on the resources that we have, and the experiences that we get and the unique gifts that each and every one of us has in this life.
Dharma allows us to give our life depth and meaning and it helps us to put our unique fingerprints in the society that we live in.
While we search for the meaning of life and the reason for our existence, we grow out of our past knowledge, and when we search for being the better version of who we already are…. We find many things about our own self.
When we create a good and balanced Dharma, it means we have a cause, a meaning and our existence is in harmony with the universe. So when we realize our Dharma, we are still in harmony with the laws of Karma, so we create a Good Karma, and here is where we can know that we can take control of the Dharma and create a good Karma for ourselves.
Let’s answer to some of the most frequently asked questions about this topic:
Can you explain about Karma in simple words?
Karma is a law that tells us that whatever you do in this world will come back to you. This principle is also known as the boomerang law. It’s main roots are in India and originate from Hinduism and Buddhism. (Read this article about the meaning of Karma.)
What are the laws of karma?
Karma has 12 laws. It’s main law, which most people know, is the law of cause and effect. That whatever we do in this world, we have done to ourselves, both good and bad will have an effect to us and our surroundings. The other rules of Karma are about change, humility, responsibility, inspiration and the other laws that you can read about, in this article.
What is the Dharma?
Dharma means “the right way of living” or our duty in life, which is determined by our society, family and culture. Dharma may also mean to some people as our fingerprint of the good existence in this planet and being a passenger of life…
- In this article, I wrote about the laws of Karma. As this topic includes many different points of view, I would be more than happy to know more about it. I am not sure how much you believe in these laws, so please don’t hesitate to write to me about your own experiences or help me gain more knowledge about them.
- Personally, I have come to believe Karma has a role on our life or this planet, and the universe as a whole.
- I am still discovering this word and intuiting myself with my knowledge and new experiences.
- But the only thing I am sure of about karma, is that if I, as a person, want my world to change in a better way, and if I ask the universe to be kinder to me as an existing soul, in it, I must start this kindness from a peaceful place within ‘myself’, to myself, and then grow it from that peaceful loving spot, and share it with the whole world… As I am a small part of the world, and I am attached to every being and soul on it.
–I hope you enjoyed reading this article.