On Top Of The Peak Of Human Needs

Maybe you have heard many sentences like “give yourself accurate knowledge.” or “develop yourself and your talents”… But in reality, does self-improvement only refer to the recognition and strengthening of talents and capabilities?
In this article, we will have a deeper look at this human need, which is at the top of Maslow’s pyramid, and it’s exact meaning. What are the characteristics of people who have achieved it, and the ways to reach it..
Acquaintance With The Meaning Of Self-Actualization
The term self-actualization was first proposed by Kurt Goldstein, a German psychologist. He believed that every person, every plant, every animal and in general every living being is born with only one purpose and that is to achieve self.
In his books, Goldstein defines self-prosperity as the actualization and bringing to the front of the individual and personal capacities of every human being, as much as possible. He considers this concept as the only motivating factor that determines the quality of life and destiny of people.
Although Goldstein discussed the concept of self-actualization, this issue was not given much attention, until it was raised up again by Abraham Harold Maslow, an American psychologist.
Maslow became famous worldwide, because of the introduction of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. He believed that human needs are placed in a hierarchical order and the behavior of people in every moment and situation is the result of their most intense need at that moment.

The Top Of Maslow’s Pyramid
When each of these needs is satisfied, another level of needs becomes important and this new need will drive people’s behavior. These needs are:
Biological (physical) Needs: the needs that human life depends on, including food, clothing, shelter, sleep, and sex.
Security Needs: the need to provide for one’s life, to live without fear and in short, the need to protect oneself
Social Needs: a sense of belonging and love to society and fellow humans and the need to create meaningful relationships with others
Need For Respect: the need for self-respect and the feeling of being respected and appreciated by others
Self-actualization: or, according to Maslow, “transforming into what a person can be”
Therefore, our desired concept in Maslow’s pyramid of needs is at the highest level of psychological development, where all human needs, physical needs and spiritual needs (respect and love) have been met and the individual can reveal his full potential.
Blooming From Inside Or Outside
According to what was said about the opinions of Goldstein and Maslow, self-actualization can be considered a psychological process, in which it’s goal is to maximize people’s abilities and capacities.
When a person uses internal stimuli such as the experiences, life changes, and feelings that occur within someone, and not external stimuli, such as money, power. To achieve a correct and deep understanding of all dimensions and capacities of their behavior, social and intellectual, and strives for their appearance, They have reached prosperity.
It important to mention in this point, that this concept does not mean achieving all of our goals, hopes and dreams or being a complete and perfect person in any and every field!
It rather means a kind of mental state that, by enjoying it, people’s view and approach to issues and problems, human relations and needs, is formed based on a deeper understanding, acceptance which results in growth and more understanding.
- A self-fulfilled person does not give up even in the face of failure!
10 Characteristics Of Self-Actualized People
Maslow listed 10 characteristics for these people, the characteristics with which they realize their existential capacities:
- Correct and efficient understanding of reality. Self-actualized people are able to make correct and honest judgments about different situations and show sensitivity to superficial judgments.
- Accepting yourself and others. They accept their human nature with all their shortcomings. They are completely accepting of others and their defects and deal with others with patience and tolerance.
- Relying on personal experiences and judgments. These people have intellectual independence and are not dependent on society, environment or culture to form their views and opinions.
- Spontaneous and natural. Self-actualized people are true to themselves and are what they want, not what others expect of them.
- Being task oriented. They believe that they have to play a role in the world around them and take responsibility to reduce the problems around them.
- Self reliance. Self-fulfilling people do not rely on others or external powers and seek independence and self-sufficiency.
- New and different look. They are constantly seeking to improve their views and opinions. They try to have a different look at the phenomena around them and find new things in every phenomenon, even as simple as the sunrise.
- Deep human relationships. These people have deep friendly and romantic relationships and always seek to increase the quality and depth of their relationships through study and effort.
- They are funny and enjoy having fun, and humor has a place in their life.
- Social participation and pursuit of humanitarian goals.
-Enjoy being alone some times… Self-actualized people have achieved inner peace and accepted themselves, they don’t worry about being alone and they can enjoy being alone.
-The ways to achieve self-actualization are not difficult at all!
Reaching this state can be one of the best and most important goals in anyone’s life.
Of course, there are as many ways to reach it as there are people, and one version of growth and success cannot be made for everyone… But in the last part of this article, let’s point out 5 practical ways to approach it:
1. Practice Acceptance
Try to practice acceptance in any unwanted situation or situation you find yourself in. If you were going to have fun and now the weather is rainy, instead of complaining about the situation, find a new way to enjoy your day and take advantage of the rainy weather.
To practice acceptance, try to get to know people who have a different lifestyle and do your best to accept and respect their point of view and lifestyle.
On the other hand, accept the unstable, unknown and ambiguous nature of life wholeheartedly. Increase your ability to tolerate ambiguity and try to look at life more realistically.
2. Be Grateful For The Small Pleasures In Life
It may be a cliché, but appreciation and the ability to enjoy simple and repetitive events is a long step towards self-actualization. Take time to be thankful for every pleasant and simple thing that happens in your daily life and look at the phenomena around you with a new perspective.
3. Form Your Beliefs Independently
Review your beliefs and opinions to know which of your beliefs are formed based on cultural and environmental teachings. Try to cultivate critical thinking skills in yourself so that you can form your thinking frameworks in a rational and logical way based on evidence and experiences.
4. Be Spontaneous And Go Beyond Your limits At Times
Give yourself the joy of learning and problem solving by involving yourself in new experiences. Try to get out of your safe zone and give opportunity to the hidden abilities that you were unaware of. Prosperity depends on the growth of all your capacities.
Just Start!
5. Do Not Neglect Communication With Yourself
Although communication with family, friends and acquaintances is one of the most important and valuable parts of all people’s lives, self-actualized people enjoy being alone and being alone with themselves as much as spending time with others. Therefore, always dedicate some time to reflect yourself, and beside having a healthy social life, do not deprive yourself of the experience of solitude.
Based on what has been proposed in humanistic psychology, self-actualization, which is at the top of Maslow’s pyramid, is a very broad concept that can be achieved after satisfying various human needs. this article, was about helping us to get acquainted with this concept and provide us with ways to realize it.
Studying and increasing awareness is one of the necessary steps for the development of your abilities, and help you deal with life’s challenges and strengthen your abilities with increasing your knowledge.
Frequently Asked Questions:
What Does Self-Actualization Mean?
When a person achieves a correct and deep understanding of all their behavioral, social and intellectual dimensions and capacities by taking advantage of internal stimuli and strives for their emergence, they have reached self-actualization.
What Are The Characteristics Of A Self-Actualized Person?
These people have 10 characteristics, which are: Correct and efficient understanding of reality. Accepting yourself and others. Relying on personal experiences and judgments. Spontaneous and natural. Being task oriented. Self reliance. Having a new and different look to the world. Sense of humor. Social participation. Sometimes enjoy being alone.