The Best Solutions To Have A Peaceful Mind
And What You Need To Know About The ‘Monkey Mind’…
A Peaceful Mind, In A Chaotic World!
When we look around us, everything is moving like crazy! A chaotic world that is constantly changing. In such a world, where noise has replaced silence and speed has replaced slowness, how can one achieve peace of mind?
Carrying out many tasks and responsibilities and the existence of different challenges in this era, has made it more difficult than ever to reach a calm mind for many of us.
While we have to accept that in truth the living conditions have an effect on the emotional and mental state of people. But in the pother hand these conditions are not supposed to control people’s lives. Even according to some people, peace does not depend much on the existing conditions, it rather, is the importance of keeping peace of mind in facing life’s events.
Mental peace refers to a state of ease, stillness and inner peace. In general, it means that we are equipped with tools inside ourselves that we can use against adversity.
When your mind is calm and you are in control of your emotions, you are not easily affected by events and problems, and what others think about you will not matter much to you anymore. With a calm mind, you can focus more on your work and your efficiency in doing daily tasks will improve. It also helps you feel self-compassion and you will remain calm in the face of daily worries and problems in your life.
Being aware, and having the feeling of inner strength, more tolerance, release from stress and easy sleep are the advantages of having a calm mind. Finally, this feeling of inner peace helps you to feel happy and satisfied with your life.
The reality is life’s challenges are never going to end. And what is important, is that you can deal with these challenges more easily with a calm mind.
If You Want To Have A Calm Mind, Use The Following Solutions:
Think Positive
To gain peace of mind, try to correct negative thoughts immediately and see the positive side of them.
Let Go
In many cases, you may see many injustices in your life. But you can’t spend your whole life fighting them… Sometimes the best thing to do is to let go. Of course, this release does not mean that you are passive. Rather, it means that you can have self-control, to control your thoughts, emotions and actions. For example, dismissal from work is an injustice. But you have to try to accept it, let it go and plan for another job.
Focus On The Present
Try to gain peace of mind, and be mindful, don’t get stuck in the past and don’t constantly think about the future. Try to live in the moment and enjoy it.
Get Out Of Your Mind And Experience Real Life.
You always have to try your best. But if you want to constantly control the things that are not under your control or you can not change, you will contribute to your mental collapse at some point. So try to accept what is not in your control. Tell yourself that sometimes there are things you can’t control in life to help your peace of mind.
Be Prepared For Bad Things In Advance
This is not the definition of being pessimistic, but knowing that sometimes life does not go according to our plans and wishes is part of taking control. In life events such as losing a job, death of a loved one or unexpected expenses that suddenly come up, are part of the events that you should expect in life to be realistic, and make the necessary arrangements in advance. For example, try to love your loved ones enough before they die, so that you don’t feel guilty later, have clever savings or investments -as much as you can- for your future.
Do Not Compare Yourself With Others
Try to compare yourself with what you were in the past and not with others! This will help you with bringing positive changes. Try to become a better version of yourself. But if you still don’t reach the ideal version of yourself immediately, don’t punish yourself and don’t give up because positive changes always take time, just continue moving forward without being too critical on yourself. Our life-journey is not the same with anyone else, and we are not in race with anyone else, the goal is becoming aware of our own self, living a good life while we are developing in a positive and beneficial direction, as much as we can and with our own phase…
5 Techniques To Achieve Peace Of Mind
In addition to the above, you can also use the following techniques to achieve peace of mind:
Try to read a book at least 20 minutes a day. Studying and learning beyond what we already know, or updating our old knowledge, is considered a good pastime and helps us to improve our concentration and reasoning.
Experience Loneliness In The Right Way
Humans are social beings, and needs communication with others depending on their personality. For many years I did not know that I am an ambivert, which is between being an introvert and an extrovert… And it has made it clear to me why I sometimes enjoy being in a crowd and sometimes I just enjoy taking some times for myself. You have to know your personality type, and act accordingly. But many times it is the others who avoid our choices and want us to live life as they want us to live, most of the time our of good intentions but, they would cause the loss of mental peace and give us emotional stress. Therefore, if you are alone with yourself, every now and then, you will help your health, happiness and peace of mind. This retreat can be a short break to the seaside or a two-week solo trip to a cozy place far away from where you live. But you have to keep in mind that sometimes, it is no one else, but us, that just need to be alone, and it has nothing to do with others and their behavior. And this level of understanding comes with a higher level of acceptance and peace which needs practice and patience.
Sometimes, loneliness and having alone time gives us the chance to regain our mind’s peace, come to balance with our thoughts and emotions, and has many benefits for us. You must be familiar with it, so that you can use it in a more beneficial way, and besides that, you must know it’s rules, in order to properly observe it’s boundaries for yourself! Because even if you are an introverted person, you need community and you need to know how to use your time in an efficient way.
Do Something Kind
Kindness matters so much in this world. We all feel very good when we hear about the stories about kindness, because deep down, we all feel connected to the acts of kindness as it is a universal language. Try to do something kind in your life to gain peace of mind. For example, write a positive comment for one of the people who are in the cyberspace, or call one of your loved ones and tell them how much you love them, do some random acts of kindness or support someone in their growth, or give a helpful hand if you see someone is struggling in life. Remember, ‘kindness‘ is part of the universal laws of attraction, and has a very positive Karma!
Be Thankful
We all know about the positive energy that being thankful brings to us and our lives.
Try to think about the things you are grateful for every day. Also, write down the good things that happen to you every day. This will make you experience less stress.
Listen To The Positive Vibes
What you feed your mind and soul matters a-lot in your peace and calmness of mind. Some songs help you relax and make you happy. Classical music or music that imitates the sound of nature can be good options, also spending time in nature and re-connecting with the nature can be very helpful as the natural sounds will help you become more peaceful too.
Do You Know About The ‘Monkey Mind’?
The human mind has a wandering nature and is like a hyper monkey that constantly jumps from one branch to another. In this concept that dates back to Buddha, the inability to quiet our mind when there are many thoughts is called the ‘monkey mind’, as if there are several monkeys in the human mind that make noise and cause confusion in a restless state.
The constant war of ‘the monkey mind’ with ‘peace of mind‘
Here, I want to introduce you more to this term. A ‘monkey mind’ is a mind that jumps from one thought to another, like monkeys jumping from trees. This term dates back to more than 2000 years ago when Buddha spoke about it. In this concept the human mind is full of drunken monkeys who are constantly screaming, chattering and constantly distracting you, which leads to your mental confusion and stress. Although this saying is for almost 2000 years ago, it still applies in this era.
Our world today is a fast and advanced world that combines with world news and increases the level of anxiety. People are constantly multitasking. In such a world, more than ever, there are various distractions that make it difficult to focus on work or study.
On the other hand, the human mind is a natural obstacle for inner peace, we need peace of mind and we need to be mindful to be calm and happy.
When your mind jumps from branch to branch like a drunk monkey. You need to distract yourself, you can unhook from this idea by telling yourself that you want to think only of a blue flower, a calm river, or count some of your favorite things in life. Your mind will learn to be in your control by time. Then it remembers the facts about what you want to think about instead of all the things going on in your mind at the same time, because wandering is part of the nature of the mind, which in some cases may make people restless and we need to take control of it to prevent it becoming a drunk monkey.
There are many ways to focus on this ‘monkey mind’ to achieve mental and emotional peace. One of the best ways is meditation.
Write Down Your Thoughts And Feelings
Sometimes, to declutter your mind, just write down everything that comes to your mind. Writing down your thoughts and feelings on paper will help you deal with them more easily, you will see what is actually important, and what is not… You can write down the good and the unpleasant things that are present in your mind and as you erase the unpleasant things, you can replace them with positive replacements.
To empty your mind from the jumping monkeys, you can also write down everything that is on your mind before going to sleep, so that you can clear your mind and understand what is under your control and what is important to you at that stage of your life to prioritize it, writing down will help your mind to become more organized, you will see some of the thoughts on paper and you can handle your thoughts and emotions about them, in a much better state, and come up with solutions or simply see that they are not as important as they seemed while they were like monkeys jumping around in your mind…
Focus On One Task
Why do you make things complicated by multitasking? When you listen to a podcast or text your friends when you go for a walk, you take away the feeling of being present in the moment from yourself. Sometimes, this multitasking that you do, will increase your mental chatter and awaken the drunk monkey in your mind. Instead, try to be more thoughtful and more present in the moment, and focus on one task at a time, so that you are less distracted.
Stay Away From The Internet And Being Online
Internet is a very suitable place for distractions, and it fuels the mind monkey movements. Stressful posts, too many options, too many ideas, inappropriate comparisons with others and terrible news of the world, and opposite comments in many subjects, are some of the things you encounter on the Internet and social media. To get peace of mind, try to be offline more, or have a balanced and mindful presence on the internet to rest your mind sometimes. During this time, you can be present in the real life, exercise, play an instrument or read a book.
For sure it is not clever to avoid technology and internet all at once, as today’s people are more dependent on digital technologies than ever. Although this technology cannot be avoided in this era. It’s excess is also harmful for humans in some ways. In these cases, you must always observe the balance and be in control of what you feed your mind.
Take Mindfulness Seriously
By being mindful and creating inner peace, you can finally achieve outer peace. A peaceful mind can not only contribute to the peace of the world outside itself, but also conveys this peace to others.
You don’t have to be a yogi or spend your whole life praying and meditating in monasteries to achieve peace of mind. Doing some of the things given in this article can also help you to achieve this peace by having a normal life.
Now you can see if the monkey in your mind constantly babbling or you have been able to give it a banana and calm it down with mindfulness?
Remember that it is you that is in control, and there are many other things that you can do to get peace of mind, and quiet this playful monkey…
And.. Sometimes.. All you need, is to just ‘let the thoughts pass by…’