How Your Belief-System And The Power Of Your Own Faith, Can Change Your Life For Better?

“The universe is a symphony of vibrating strings. We are nothing but melodies. And through the vibrations of these strings, we are interconnected with everything in the universe.” -Nikola Tesla
You may know this saying: ‘You can achieve anything you believe in!’
It is not clear how true this common saying is! Because it is obvious that just wishing for something, would not result in having it, for many of us!
But for sure, ‘belief’ is rooted in our subconscious mind, and denying it does not diminish the importance of the story at all!
We are engaged in an unequal struggle with our own mind sometimes, and are constantly listening to the inner conversations that tell us what to think of when it comes to taking life sinuously!
There is a part in many of us telling us things that may be the results of the things we may have heard as a child from another person, an adult or a bully, or one or some occasions and interactions which may have been resulting us to came to the belie that we are not what we wish you could be or we have to be as a good person or as a worthy, important or strong person and it has impacted our belief system and inner self, up to this day! And this has impacted us to say things such as:
“I don’t deserve to be happy, or loved.” “I’m a smart person and I can’t be clever.” “I am worthless and I deserve unpleasant things happens to me.” “I’m less than others.” “I did the best I could and it was never enough.” “I’m a bad person” and “I cant’ change for better, so it is what it is.
In reality, part of a person’s positive and negative ‘beliefs’ is reflected in their inner dialogues with themselves and it has a direct impact on their life and relations.
In this article, we will look at the impact of positive and negative ‘beliefs’ on life, and try to understand how our own faith can change our life.
What Is Faith?
Everything you have ‘accepted, as a ‘fact’, in your mind is your ‘true faith’ even the beliefs and thoughts that you don’t share with others, or even sometimes with yourself!
Your ‘Inner beliefs’ are based on experiences, education, environment, reality, hypothesis or other reasons within you and are not necessarily true or accurate all the time, as it could be the result of a survival mode or something that took place in your mind before you can even remember it in your memories as a child! However, you are not only acting on your beliefs, but you are unconsciously looking for evidence to support them and sometimes you live by them in your reality as they may have been shaping your life in one or multiple ways.
Because having faith is when you ‘believe’ something completely and without doubt, and you may not even know how to prove it or how to think otherwise, but you are sure it is true! Because that is all that you want to know.
This fact does not mean that your beliefs are really true or false, it means your faith has a very important role in your life and even destiny!
As ‘having; or ;not having’ faith in any subject, situation or person, will have a direct impact on it’s in reality, including yourself!
Believe In The Magical Power Of Your Beliefs!
‘Your faith or beliefs tell you what awaits you in the near future!’
The bitterness or sweetness of this sentence, depends on the strength of your belief system. Because your belief is the ‘true force’ that determines what path you are on and what path you really believe you should be on for your future. The path that you believe you should be on is your ‘real faith’ for your own future self weather you face it with your conscious-mind or not. And it determines what you will achieve in your reality as a result. That is why it is so important not to underestimate the power of belief!
A strong belief in your own powers is a smarter and more flexible approach to facing and fixing the problems in life and is one of the secrets to success.
Your personal life, professional life and relationships are all directly influenced by your belief system, and the strength of the belief system is one of the most important factors determining human performance in life.
Wayne Dyer, explained about the importance of your beliefs, after he saw a sudden and huge change in his personal life in his ‘You’ll See It When You Believe It’ book. This book shows you how to achieve transformation by changing your own beliefs and helps you change all your external limitations and mental beliefs in a beneficial way.
The Role Of The Mind, In Your Life’s Success!
“Your mind is a garden, your thoughts are the seeds…” -William Wordsworth
The mind plays an important role in achieving life goals.
The actual power of the mind is fascinating, and those who increase their knowledge of its important role in their life’s ‘successes and failures‘ are better able to change the ‘old beliefs’ of their mind in the direction of their goals and happiness… As they take control of their own thoughts and mind, and make the extra effort to shape them in the way they actually want, and not what is easy! In other words, they learn to embrace the difficulties of facing ‘their own reality’ and enable themselves to get the strength needed to shift their own mindset in their reality… They become the ‘master’ of their mind!
If you look at the definition of the law-of-attraction and its basis, you will see that the law of attraction is, in a word, believing in the power of the mind in your own abilities and trusting the achievements and events of life that will be given to you by the universe as a result. We all can experience dramatic changes in our thinking and life by improving certain personal habits, and shifting our own mindset in the direction that we want.
Once you have discovered what you ‘really want’, you must achieve it with the power of this belief.
This inner belief and the true faith beside the inner-power that comes with it contributes to your goals and achievements, in four possible effective ways:
The power of faith broadens one’s vision
Faith sees the unseen!
Faith and true belief sees the end-goal and the path which is necessary to achieve the goal, and puts the person on the path to achieving it. People who have strong faith, first win in their minds and do not listen to the words of critics, when they face setback, their faith and true desire allows them to continue without giving up. If you give up on your goal when you hear a “no” or when you face difficulties, you either don’t have an important goal or you don’t believe in achieving it or you simply don’t have true faith in the goal or yourself!
Mindfulness helps you discovers the voice of your own brain, and helps you to bring out your true desires and helps you face the reality in a calm and peaceful way.
The power of faith creates willpower in the individual
Willpower or willingness is accompanied by constant perseverance and the necessary discipline to achieve something that we really want in life. Discipline means the power to say no to anything that distracts you from the goal, and the combination of these two things will be a powerful force that will be helping you move forward in the direction of your true beliefs and desires!
Willpower is about commitment to continue the path wholeheartedly, in a doubtless way, and who can deny the difficulties of continuing the path without ‘believing’ in the goal or their abelites or worthiness in achieving it?
Strengthening the ‘willpower’ is one of the affections of the success in any journey.
The power of faith makes a person flexible in enduring the best possible path
Dead-ends are not a barrier to our goals, they are just a way to show how much we really want and believe in something. Faith develops the capacity to overcome the inconveniences and challenges of the path and our mindset shows us the direction that we decide to take when facing them. So when we have a true faith and believe in our goals, we will find a way or build a bridge by being flexible about it, because having faith in the result is not determined by only one way and it will be giving us countless possibilities and ways for achieving them.
The power of faith helps the us use the maximum capacity
Under pressure to achieve your goals, it is this the “belief” that proves to you how capable you really are.
Many people work hard, but they can’t achieve their goals, and they end up giving up and believing in ‘lack’ instead of having ‘faith’. ‘Lack of belief’ in their abilities, or the path ahead, or simply loosing sight of their goals, prevents them from focusing on their goals and realizing their potential.
One of the factors that is necessary to achieve success is willpower. But unfortunately, in the present era, most people have misconceptions about this force in their minds, which lead to obstacles in their path to success. Maybe the media and the things we hear from advertisements or stories about overnight success that influencers tell us sometimes plays an important role in the fact that many of us start comparing our achievements, success and faith to others and this comparison makes things loose their true meaning and color for us.
For sure learning more about inner strength and learning about our unique abilities and capacities will be helpful for us to use this powerful inner human tool. Which as a result can will be beneficial for us in having true faith in our unique abilities and the persistence to move in the direction of our success and happiness in full capacity.
What Is The Law Of Faith, And How Do We Use It?
The law of faith says that ‘you do not necessarily believe in everything you see or say’, but you see what your beliefs decide for you to see! And you believe the things you decide to believe, in other words, it is all about your true faith!
People’s actions are based on their inner beliefs, and you can see their beliefs by looking at their actions, decisions and their reality, sometimes even beyond their outside image.
Of course, this definition of the law of faith, may not apply to everyone or in every situation. For example, a person who is forced to do something that they do not believe in cannot be placed in this category.*
Belief in the law of faith is the miracle of human life. When they realize how much their beliefs guide their successes and failures in life, they can’t look at life the same way.
Learning practical change management techniques in new situations will help you turn your positive beliefs into impactful changes in your life.
However, when a person believes in this law, these changes gradually take place in his mind and actions. Like a weightlifter who gradually strengthens his muscles and becomes stronger every day than yesterday.
*(We always should keep in mind to be mindful about our view of the things and people in life, we never can know everything about a subject or situation in a persons life from every possible angle, and we have to make sure that we have a more humanized perspective on things and people in reality, just like we allow ourselves to be human, learn and grow, or make positive changes in our own life, any other person can decide to implement in their life based on their own situation and abilities, and we are not here to judge the people or situation that other are in from our own limited experiences, knowledge or understanding. Because we are all learning as long as we are alive…)
The Impact Of Our Beliefs, On Life
Self-esteem plays an important role in eliminating negative beliefs and strengthening positive beliefs.
The impact of negative beliefs on our life
Negative beliefs are the main obstacle to your success. What do you expect from others when you underestimate your own abilities?
Pay more attention to your feelings when expressing negative beliefs. You will see that these limiting thoughts are trying to prevent you from achieving meaningful goals, success or even happiness in life. See below for examples of some negative beliefs:
- I am ugly and no one likes me.
- I’m a disappointment and I don’t deserve a better job.
- I’m not smart and I’m going to ruin this test.
- I am not strong and cannot cope with new problems.
- I am not a good person and whatever happens to me is my right.
These negative beliefs destroy your decision-making power and self-esteem in life and we can safely say that you will shrug off the most ordinary responsibilities.
–Once we stop believing in ourselves, we start shifting our focus to ‘surviving’ instead of ‘thriving’ in life!
The impact of positive beliefs on life
Positive beliefs make a person feel good and bring him closer to the goals he has in mind. Positive beliefs affect life by overcoming self-confidence, believing in one’s abilities, and focusing on one’s goals. See below for examples of positive beliefs:
- I am strong and have the ability to achieve my goals.
- I can learn from my mistakes and continue living with more strength.
- I am smart and have the ability to learn new things in life.
- I am a decent human being and deserve to be treated well in the workplace and in a friendly society.
- I am enough and I don’t need the approval of others to feel happy.
Once you read these sentences out loud, you will be amazed at the feeling that flows through your mind and body. Now imagine that these positive beliefs become the ‘real beliefs’ in your mind, would you walk the path of a more positive life with more self-esteem with this belief system?
How Does Changing Negative Beliefs To Positive Ones Help You?
Beliefs are formed in you from an early age and rarely does anyone question whether they are right or wrong. In our childhood our parents or family, and while we grow up the society, environment and what we feed our mind and thoughts, play a vital role in shaping our subconscious beliefs.
You create your beliefs consciously and unconsciously and then seek confirmation of them.
We can use the media as an example as the attention of many philosophers has gone to it nowadays. If you look thoughtfully, you can see the direct impact of what is being seen and advertised on such platforms, on the people around you, and if you be more critical you even can see it on yourself. Our mindsets and our realities are being formed by the things we see and -try to relate to- most of the time, and sometimes our subconscious belief, is being shaped towards the same direction, without our continues mind’s notice.
But why do people resist changing their own beliefs so much?
We all know that most humans are usually change resistant in by nature, unless they come to the realization and ‘believe’ that the change is ‘necessary’ for them.
Beliefs are the secure support of human life and our brain needs beliefs to feel secure.
If we want to point out this in an understandable way, we must say that the human mind finds its way in life with a set of positive and negative beliefs and without this invisible mind-map, the mind may feel confused.
Have you ever met people who have lost important beliefs in their lives? How were these people to you? If you talk to them, they will tell you that they have left their safe spot on the edge of the abyss of life at that point of their lives!
We need to learn how to effectively change and turn our negative beliefs into positive ones.
People without their own beliefs are confronted with many unconfirmed assumptions, like the example that was mentioned above.
However, we all know that as much as humans do like to resist changes in life, they are also flexible and capable of many amazing things too! Specially in this fast-paced era of knowledge, understanding and technology which is shifting the life of all of us and bringing us more and more closer to the things that were unknown to us until now. And As the result, the change is inevitable for the modern humans, and that means, eventually we too must one day, shake off the dust of our ‘old beliefs’ and add newer experiences to our achievements, bring ourselves to new understandings and come face-to face with our higher self in a higher frequency than we are at this point of our life! And this means embracing new ‘beliefs’.
Know about the paradox in your mind!
Our todays beliefs, create the person we meet in the mirror tomorrow, and our future self and life is created by the faith that we have…
Who wants to be a poor, depressed, aimless and miserable in their future? Certainly that is the future-self that -non of us- in our right minds would want!
So, by breaking down any ‘negative beliefs’ and building ‘positive beliefs’ by bringing positive changes to our lives, and by having true faith in the good things in life, beside our own abilities, we create a real ‘positive faith’ in the good future that we have in mind, and enable it to take place in our reality. All we need is to use this faith in ourselves and combine it with our will-power and ‘trust in the universe’ to start seeing positive things taking place in our lives based on this law.
“As soon as you trust yourself, you will know how to live.” -Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Frequently Asked Questions:
What is faith and why does it matter for us to believe in our selves?
The deep mental belief that something is right or wrong forms our beliefs results in having faith in ourselves. The importance of beliefs is determined by the fact that they have a direct impact on the goals of a person’s life and their mindset in achieving them in reality.
How do we change our beliefs?
By accepting that we play a major role in shaping our own beliefs, it is easier to change beliefs, when we start having faith in our own abilities and allow ourselves to go to the direction of our goals and wishes, we start to be aligned with the things that we want to achieve in life. Another important point that this transformation in our belief system on ourselves helps us is to see that the impact of different beliefs in our lives matter so much in the results we get. Negative beliefs destroy our life in many ways and positive beliefs not only help us move forward in a positive direction but also help us to build the life that we dream of, and also gives us more trust in ourselves and the universe as we move forward in the direction that we want which allows us to see positive things happen in ever step in this direction and therefore we will be more and more aligned with our own abilities and feel the positive energy we get as a result from the universe as this alignment starts to take place in our reality with our persistence.
What is the difference between positive and negative beliefs?
Positive beliefs motivate people to start new paths and create the will-power to achieve new goals, and trust in themselves and become more aligned with the positivity and the universe, but negative beliefs are the opposite, they act like an invisible trap that because we don’t see it we think it does not exist and we only see its results and impacts on our achievements and life. They plunge people into indolence and destroy their self-confidence and self-esteem and make them loose hope and trust in themselves and the positive energies that they can receive from the universe so as a result an unpleasant loop will be there for them. (Until they truly decide to start changing their own mindset and belief system, which will not be easy, but it will definitely start showing positive results as they move forward and continue having the positive mindset and move forward in this new direction of forming positive beliefs.)
‘When you really want something good in life:
Believe it, act on it, be persistent, and see the power of your ‘faith’ in yourself and the universe. That can change everything for you, and give you what really you want in life!’
(Read this article if you want to know about becoming ‘Aligned With Abundance’.)